Empowering Futures, Uplifting Lives: Education, Skills, and Opportunity for All

Empowering Futures

Uplifting Lives !!!

We aim to empower deserving students and individuals from marginalized sections of society towards a sustainable livelihood. To achieve our goals, we counsel and assist in areas of education , skill development, employment and financial issues. We believe these will positively impact their lives and uplift them from a state of poverty and ignorance hence alleviating poverty.

Our Impact Areas


Eli Khamarov rightly said: “Poverty is like punishment for a crime you didn’t commit.”We at Roshani believe that through Financial literacy and social inclusion, this punishment can be reduced.

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We at Roshani believe that “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime”.

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Our Approach

Financial literacy is the first step to achieve financial inclusion. There is a pressing need to spread financial literacy to India’s poor in order to enable their financial inclusion….

Roshani is based on model that ensures that beneficiary is supported through counselling and mentoring to select the right career path…